By Anonymous - 27/12/2012 02:09 - United States - Roswell

Today, at a post-Christmas party, I saw a cute girl standing underneath a mistletoe. I walked up to her and pointed out that we were both standing under a mistletoe. She looked at me, winced, and quickly walked away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 060
You deserved it 24 524

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jjtothemax17 6

Well it was kind of rude for you just to expect a kiss simply because you were under a mistletoe.

LET ME LOVE YOU..... You should've screamed that


That only works if you both are attracted to each other

A well happens to all of us even if we are good-looking cant please everyone

barronterrier 3

Damn! Just how ugly are you???

YDI for asking a STRANGER for a kiss YDI for intentionally walking under the mistletoe when you spot a cute girl standing underneath it alone.

you gotta get the drunk ones with that

Chaosshadowzero 15
thatonetribute 31

YDI. I wouldn't want to kiss some random guy either.