By Anonymous - 27/12/2012 02:09 - United States - Roswell

Today, at a post-Christmas party, I saw a cute girl standing underneath a mistletoe. I walked up to her and pointed out that we were both standing under a mistletoe. She looked at me, winced, and quickly walked away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 060
You deserved it 24 524

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jjtothemax17 6

Well it was kind of rude for you just to expect a kiss simply because you were under a mistletoe.

LET ME LOVE YOU..... You should've screamed that


Next time just take a misseltoe with you =D

Or if you are tall, tattoo it to your forehead.

Well, mistletoe is annoying because it means that anyone can demand kisses off you. Even so, there's nothing wrong with a peck on the cheek. There really is no excuse for hurting someone's feelings like that.

The wincing part sucks, but it's not right to push a kiss because of mistletoe!! It's so awkward if the Other person doesn't want to!

so you were denied by a girl, and that's an FML? what?

:( dude your comment just doesn't make any sense

That's the whole point of the mistletoe. He tried and it didn't work out, now you know and move on. How's it sneaking a kiss when it's fairly obvious enough there's a mistletoe there

am I the only one who found comment #1 funny? Anyway you made a cute effort and she didn't reciprocate, not that big a deal. at least you both now have a funny story to tell :D

And you thought that doing that to a complete stranger was a good idea?

toalysium 15

It's alright OP, more fish in the sea and all that...