By Anonymous - 27/12/2012 02:09 - United States - Roswell

Today, at a post-Christmas party, I saw a cute girl standing underneath a mistletoe. I walked up to her and pointed out that we were both standing under a mistletoe. She looked at me, winced, and quickly walked away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 060
You deserved it 24 524

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jjtothemax17 6

Well it was kind of rude for you just to expect a kiss simply because you were under a mistletoe.

LET ME LOVE YOU..... You should've screamed that


Probably would've done the same in her position. I can hardly tolerate hugs from people I know, let alone strange fuckwits that want something else. Although, if you had known each other it still might not have panned out.

She just broke the rules of the mistletoe and that should never have haopened.