By LifeSucks - 08/11/2009 04:46 - United States

Today, as I was driving to work, I got a flat tire. While attempting to replace said tire, I got mugged. The guy took all my money, my iPod, cellphone, and CDs. When I finally called my boss to explain my situation, he fired me. Why? Because I was late and had an "overactive imagination." FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 025
You deserved it 2 508

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She said when she 'finally called her boss', meaning when she found a place with a phone or asked someone so she could call. OP, your boss is a jackass for not believing in you. FYL

jchansfan 0

Knowing this site, I'm waiting for the "But women can't change tires! D:" commment... Because, well, you guys are predictable. lmao :P


If this actually happened, then you would have needed to file a police report. Take that police report into your boss and demand your job back.

Ok, I believe this FML and everything, but the only thing is, if your phone was stolen, how did u call ur boss?

This is definitely a fml moment but I doubt your boss actually thinks you have an overactive imagination. He probably just said that in place of "You're lying/a liar." While it's understandable that you didn't have the means to get to him, maybe if you actually went and explained to him in person what happened he'd be more sympathetic. You really should have waited until you got a police report and show it to your boss.

Actually I don't think your boss can fire you like that. If you filed a police report when the incident happened then you could show it to your boss and if he still fired you then you could probably take him to court.

PHffffttt Bosses can fire anyone they want for any reason they want. Ya, she COULD take him to court, for a LOT of $$$... and end up w/ a job where she's not wanted... I'm sure the boss would make her work hours a living hellhole.

OhSoHeartBroken 0

That sucks...yet I can't believe it for some odd reason. Wouldn't you see the person coming to mug you while changing the tire? No? Maybe it's just me I see just about everything it's like I have eyes in the back of my head. But seriously, WTF man...That's not even funny that sucks. File a police report and hopefully your stuff comes back! ..Eventually..

ShadowlessSpear 21

Let's say she sees the mugger. What can she do about it?

your boss probably already wanted you gone...and if someone wants to mug you, fight them, most muggers don't want to move up to assault. good job failing

Your post made me realize she (sorta) says she got mugged while changing a tire... which means she had a tire iron in her hand... not a very likely mugging target!! I weep for our future when I read all you douches that can't comprehend how she called the boss after her cellphone was stolen. Maybe the police let her use their phone when she was filing the police-report?!?

OhSoHeartBroken 0

@bartmasta, are you implying people with iPods are not intelligent?

'How can you call your boss if your phone was stolen?' Dear God, there are other phones in the world, you know!

baby_gurl2405 0

so you got fired for an overactive imagination? is this story real at all or did you imagin it?