By Flipside - 02/05/2009 00:46 - United States

Today, as I was driving home, I saw a woman get hit by a car. I immediately parked on the side of the road to assist her. I called an ambulance and stayed with her until they came to get her, comforting her all the while. When I returned to my car, I found a parking ticket in my windshield. FML
I agree, your life sucks 112 707
You deserved it 6 450

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aupilot 0

There is usually a process by which you can contest the ticket. You MIGHT be able to get out of it since it was an emergency.


go to court. they usually withdraw the charge.

ZH13 0

they probably won't make you pay the ticket if you just explain what happened. and if they do then you'll know you have to find a legit parking space before you help save someone's life.

you can definitely contest it, stating emergency

Pretty funny that anyone even considered #24 was not troll. Obviously the OP did the right thing and definitely did not deserve the ticket. PS: I have been hit by a car =)

Honestly, shit like what happened to the OP teaches people not to help others. Just when you think you do something good, turn around and see all the mess behind you. Next time if we trip and break a leg, atleast you know why no one would even look at you. Shame on them. And thank you OP for being such a good citizen.

Most of you seem to not be getting the point. It's not that he got a ticket, it's that after what he's done to save someone's life, he still got something bad in return for it. It's the moral behind the story, not the actual incident. And that really hurts.

shannanigans 0

i say this is total bs. if there was a cop nearby to give you a ticket, they would have seen the accident or at least heard about it and been there. no way they would go give you a ticket first/instead.

Maybe the guy who wrote the citation wasn't an actual cop. Maybe a meter maid or something? But that is complete bull. Go to court and tell the judge/magistrate what happened I can guarantee the citation will be thrown out.

bauzer71487 0

If it is true, which if it is you probably got it from a meter maid and not a cop. Fight it and call every local news station, one or all of them are bound to pick it up and run a story. Should win and embarrass the local LEO's/meter maids without a problem