By Flipside - 02/05/2009 00:46 - United States

Today, as I was driving home, I saw a woman get hit by a car. I immediately parked on the side of the road to assist her. I called an ambulance and stayed with her until they came to get her, comforting her all the while. When I returned to my car, I found a parking ticket in my windshield. FML
I agree, your life sucks 112 707
You deserved it 6 450

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aupilot 0

There is usually a process by which you can contest the ticket. You MIGHT be able to get out of it since it was an emergency.


Go to the media with the story. They'll love yet another story about how much of a jerk cops are. You'll have the whole police department apologizing to you up and down, in public, on TV, in a couple of days.

this is obviously bs, lets think about the logic u parked on the side of the road and walked to where the injured person was, so then ur sayin a cop shows up, proceeds to write u a ticket, then puts the ticket on ur vehicle, and proceeds to leave, all the while even if this did happen u didnt see him do this??? where the hell did u park ur car, obviously that should prove ur full of s***, but ur also tryin to tell me this cop who gave u a ticket for pullin off the side of the road like u claim didnt bother to come help the poor woman who had been hit, what is he blind and with no radio so he had no idea what was happening, and yeah in conclusion your full of s*** and made this up.

Actually to follow up with 105... You are making this up, but it really DID happen somewhere else... In Germany a man parked his car, illegally, and ended up going to the hospital in the ambulance with the guy (the man he went to the hospital with had a heartattack while driving) and the man that left his car DID get a parking ticket.

#24 wipe your face in a pile of shit, please.

fmladdict5 0

no good deed goes unpunished..

I'm pretty sure you can win your battle in court if you contest it. You were helping someone who had been ran over. WTF, indeed.

_shit_happens_ 0

this is complete bullshit what cop would give you a ticket and not see there is a lady dying on the side of the road u a moron this isnt even believable

maybe you should go to court and explain?

Definitely contest it. When I worked at Home Depot a woman came in wearing flip-flops (stupid thing to wear to HD, btw) to get sheet metal. She wound up dropping a piece on her foot and slicing her foot open. She passed out on a pile of OSB while I was grabbing bandages and such from the first-aid kit (and being yelled at for customers for not being at the cash-register), so I wiped all the blood off her foot (without gloves because my managers took 10 minutes to requisition some while the woman laid and bled), bandaged her up, washed her flip-flops off for her, got her a soda, and looked up where in the area she could go to see if she needed stitches (it was a Saturday so most places in our small town were closed). NONE of my managers said thank you for doing what they couldn't do, and I got bitched at for helping the bleeding woman instead of cashiering. *sigh*

I am not sure if someone else hasn't suggested this since I haven't read all the comments, but if you can't get them to just drop it, first go with a jury (you can demand one, even for a parking ticket), they will be sympathetic to you being a Good Samaritan, and if even they are assholes, start a chipin, people will help.