By … - 28/06/2012 14:20 - United States

Today, after three months of them dating, I finally met the guy my best friend claims she's in love with. To my horror, she's dating the douchebag that I had a one-night stand with a week ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 431
You deserved it 6 965

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mccoole727 13

You should tell her, though it may break her heart, she deserves to know.


The truth is always the best option, even if the truth hurts. Explain what happened. You had a one-night stand with her boyfriend before you knew it was him. It will hurt, but she deserves to know

babyshaft408 8

Don't be jealous he hit it and quit it

JadeWalker 14

Ydi for lowering yourself to a one night stand. Maybe get to know people before you hop into bed with them. As for your friend tho f her life.

Some people want sex without all the hassle of a commitment. I don't necessarily condone it, but I do understand it. As for myself, I'm thankful for the internet and AA batteries. Still, OP should tell her friend. That's definitely not something she should find out from somebody else.

Erm, why should she do that? There is nothing wrong with having sex.

There is a difference between ~making love~ and just sex. You don't always have to know or be in love with someone to have sex with them. It's our natural instincts to do it, and it feels good. As long as they use protection, does it matter? No. Stop being so judgmental and trying to tell other women what to do with their vaginas. Thanks.

JadeWalker 14

Cuz the fact that me and my bf have been together 2 years and clearly have had sex soooo makes me a virgin. Im just not a stupid **** who is willing to **** anyone i jest met.

You should tell her. She'll be mad but it's better to let her know before she gets too involved with him.

Yeah, she will end up hating you if you never tell her and she finds out later.

rcgirl2 11

You didn't know that your friend was dating him. So don't beat yourself up for it.

KingCeltic77 18

This is why you should get to know someone before sex.