By woahheylex - 25/06/2011 14:21 - United States

Today, after ordering pizza, I heard some strange noises coming from my basement so I called the cops. The pizza came fifteen minutes before the cops. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 656
You deserved it 5 350

Same thing different taste


imnotcraZ 0

only in America... seriously nice copying off that list

tboudre 0

when seconds count, the cops will be there in minutes.

Grow a pair and see whats in the basement. There is a reason they took a while you pussy!

yopeeps014 0

well that your awful civil service.

HunterAlpha1 8

grab a shotgun and a flashlight and check it out yourself. why waste the cop's time for every noise in your house? they could be responding to real emergencies. if you call them on too many false alarms eventually they will stop responding.

tbone666 0

you ordered the pizza first! what did you expect

rainbowbabe_907 5