By Anonymous - 23/09/2011 22:24 - Germany

Today, after five long years of having been together, my boyfriend told me that he wanted to take our relationship to the "next level". We now have a Sims relationship. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 741
You deserved it 4 968

Same thing different taste

Top comments

IronBrig4 3

Okay, you can do a Sims relationship. Just give him a friendly hug first, then a romantic hug. Spend a day or two increasing your relationship level by telling him jokes or flirting. You can woohoo with him by the end of the second day. :-)


randomhangul 4

well shoot. That's how you know he really cares! Make him make your character to see what he thinks of you... Then if its bad, trap him in a room by himself by deleting the door! Screw banning him to the couch!

perdix 29

Isn't your bf a piece of rubber with injection-molded veins? Or is your username just a tease?

you should be proud. sims is pretty serious when it comes to relationships

if this were a weird form of inception, then this would actually make perfect sense.

Sims is the most ridiculous game ever created!! What a sorry excuse for a man thinking sims is taking it to the next step... Sounds like he needs a good as stupid stamp on his forehead!!!!

You've obviously never been in serious love there is much more to it than a ring on the finger and a signature