By thanksbabe - 12/01/2013 06:32 - United States

Today, after a week of intense fighting, my girlfriend of 4 years and I hung out. She told me she loved me, and I pointed out that last week she said she was going to dump me. Without missing a beat, she replied, "Only to scare you into submission." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 092
You deserved it 8 570

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I won't be popular for saying this, but dump her. Manipulating you with the threat of leaving you is not ok. My ex used to do that. He threatened to leave me every time I wouldn't do what he wanted, even with dumb shit, like refusing to buy him a beer. One day I finally said, "Fine. There's the door." He just whined that I didn't care and didn't even move from the spot where he was. He never threatened to leave me again. I suggest that next time she threatens to dump you, call her on her bluff. If she dumps you, good riddance. If not, she won't be manipulating that way again.

Stand your ground boss, or she will want to control you forever..


Yikes...I hope she doesn't hit you 0.o If she does anything like does not mean she loves you no matter what she says! And also remember to have the domestic abuse hotline in your contacts. Good luck OP

Get the **** out now. I don't care how much you love her or think you love her, this will only get worse and make you more miserable then you could possibly imagine in the long run. Run, run, as fast as you can.

Leave. There are plenty of other holes out there.

Sounds like a relationship that wasn't meant to be. Week long fights, and having some one threaten your relationship to gain control over you are terrible.

It's been 4 years! You don't just throw 4 years away. Maybe it's been a stable relationship and they had an issue. All normal relationships have problems at some point. Have you thought maybe she wasn't serious???

YDI. Your first time hanging out after "intense fighting" and it sounds like you wanted to pick a fight when she says she loves you. I wouldn't blame her for being snarky.

At least we'll know you would submit to her in bed

If she's gonna power play like that...get out now! Next may come actual physical abuse.. Don't do like I did & spend nearly 13 yrs being treated like something to be dominated &'s not worth it. I later found the love of my life whom I've been happily married to for 3 yrs now. You'll find yours.