By Anonymous - 26/03/2012 10:53 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, a man on the subway serenaded me. That's not the issue. He was cross-eyed, making it hard for me not to laugh in his face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 310
You deserved it 30 255

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Forever alone doesn't mind being serenaded by creeps on the train. It's also pretty rude to laugh at people with disabilities. There's a special place in hell for people like you. Lol jokes! You have every right to laugh at a creeper trying to creep you up in a subway, especially if they're cockeyed! Besides, he was probably looking at the person next to you.

Seriously OP? You're an immature bitch. You find it funny that this poor man is cross-eyed? Well then I guess the only reason he serenaded you was because he couldn't see you properly. Doesn't feel good to be made fun of does it? Laugh because he's serenading you, don't laugh 'cause he's cross-eyed.


daltonromanowski 11
BeatifulPenguin 4

Wow!! That probably hurt him! Be sensitive to other people's feelings because you're not the only one who has those.

He can't help being cross-eyed OP. Don't laugh at people for something they can't help. When I was younger I was friends with a girl who has down syndrome and let me tell you: This girl is one of the sweetest girls you will ever meet and she has so much courage and strength. I admire her. This girl I went to elementary school with, she was mentally handicapped. I remember seeing all these kids making fun of her, and she didn't let it get to her. She was also very sweet and brave. She still just smiled and was still proud of herself and she should be proud of herself. :) So please OP, think about these things before you laugh.

prettykitty102 3

Being serenaded is awkward in any case.

It's all you could do not to laugh??? that's not very nice at all. you should treat people the way you would like to be treated. how would you like it if we all just laughed at you? you're an ass!

uncivil 5

I thinks it's funny not because some cross eyed guy buy some random person would do that but I'm not gunna bash on her for laughing I would have done the same

MissHayleyJames 7

Wow people are dumb. And I don't mean the OP.

One day you're going to be the creepy person in the subway serenading to people.

OHai15 12

thats really not cool OP, i like a boy in my class and he is cross-eyed. ppl call him ugly, i disagree because he is funny and has a nice personality. fyl