By ew. - 17/08/2010 04:28 - Canada

Today, I learned that I was conceived on a public bus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 282
You deserved it 4 857

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As opposed to a private bus? Guess that would be a car actually.

I just know that somewhere on that bus, there was a very happy homeless man masterbating to that


sports_chic 6

ahaha but I wouldn't want to no

This is funny, but I think it's worse that I was conceived at Taco Bell :(

Star16 0

why r u asking ur parents about where u were conceived in the first place!!

yagurlteeteexoxo 0

Not a big deal get over it OP... don't get why this is an FML.

SoCoMagNuM 0

i dont see how people responded "you deserved it" no one asked to be conceived lol. just kinda happens.

lickmyjock 0

lol bus sex? lord I hope it wasn't the CTA in Chicago.