By ew. - 17/08/2010 04:28 - Canada

Today, I learned that I was conceived on a public bus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 282
You deserved it 4 857

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As opposed to a private bus? Guess that would be a car actually.

I just know that somewhere on that bus, there was a very happy homeless man masterbating to that


imnotcraZ 0

this is what taquelia does to ppl. I once saw a stripper on a subway railroad...there was a 9 year old right next to me!

157 u r an idiot. conceived is not when you are born but when your mom gets pregnant

I don't see how that matters. ur alive ain't ya? which isn't much of a prize

What an awful image that must have been to picture. But I don't see why there are so many YDI's? It's not like you could have prevented it or had any sort of impact on the situation at the time..

Bullheard 0

i was conseved on my moms 21 bday

at least it was different than anything else that could've happened. :-)