
By embarrassed - 01/06/2009 20:11 - United States

Today, I went to my doctor to get the morning after pill. I explained to her that the condom broke and I was nervous. She simply asked me, "When?" so I replied "Towards the end." I didn't realize she was actually asking what day this happened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 621
You deserved it 65 142

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah even I didn't understand what she meant by that. FHL for not being clear enough. Nah, no one's life is ****** in this situation..

how is your life f'd? Seriously, just mentioning that you had sex and the condom broke is more of a FYL than is getting confused by the doctor's question. O.o


It is called the "morning after" pill for a reason your doctor must bre pretty dumb to ask which day this happened on- as it is pretty clearly implied

Not an FML. Also, you can get Plan B over the counter if you're over 18, so you likely could have avoided the whole business entirely.

wow this story sucked badly, and not an fml at all

vag_fml 0

great_lawl--no, it works for up to 72 hours, though losing its accuracy the longer its waited... dang, people are so misinfomred no wonder we have one of the highest teen pregnancy in the industrialized world. thanks abstinence-only education! it is NOT the abortion pill, it prevents fertilization in the first place and does NOT affect the fetus if it has already taken place. idiots.

treli1593 0

this isn't an FML i posted an amazing one and it got rejected. but THIS passed? FThisSite.

FadedPurplez 0

Happens to the best of us....I guess.

zee209 0

Well at least you got the pill. You were probably just nervous. At least you won't be pregnant!

FMLwrestler 0

Just goes to show why it's always the stupid people who are reproducing... LOL love the comment or hate it, but it's so true!

I'm just wondering how this is FML worthy... it's more like... this probably happens all the time worthy...