
By embarrassed - 01/06/2009 20:11 - United States

Today, I went to my doctor to get the morning after pill. I explained to her that the condom broke and I was nervous. She simply asked me, "When?" so I replied "Towards the end." I didn't realize she was actually asking what day this happened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 621
You deserved it 65 142

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah even I didn't understand what she meant by that. FHL for not being clear enough. Nah, no one's life is ****** in this situation..

how is your life f'd? Seriously, just mentioning that you had sex and the condom broke is more of a FYL than is getting confused by the doctor's question. O.o


lfaye17 0

this isn't an fml....at all

I usually don't like it when people say that an FML isn't an FML, but this sounds pretty good to me..... whatever, maybe you just are one of those rare creatures who never embarrasses herself.

planetearth 0

how the **** is this an FML?

If the FML here is that you didn't realize what she was asking, then this has got to be the shittiest and lamest FML on this site. Should've just stuck to the condom breaking as ******* up your life if it was unwanted.

justxdream 0

i would consider this 'normal', not quite 'FML' status.

Not FYL, but F your murdered child's life.

Maybe I should shoot you in the leg. Then you can come here and post an FML about being shot because of your off-the-charts lameness.

I think this is probably the first time I've agreed with everyone whining that this isn't a valid FML. It's not. It's not even mildly embarrassing. It's an "oh, woops, I misunderstood what you were saying and admitted to having sex while asking for a morning after pill." 68, I think I love you...

If you were that stupid, you shouldn't be having sex :]

Haha. But you know you can just go to the drug store and by Plan B without seeing a doctor.