The bird's the word

By anonymous - 26/06/2012 06:05 - United States - Ridgewood

Today, I slammed my middle finger in a drawer. I screamed and my mom came running into the kitchen. She asked me what was wrong, so without thinking I stuck up my middle finger. She hasn't spoken to me since this morning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 085
You deserved it 6 061

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're a big girl. Use your big girl words.

lalalanono 8

It's a sad day when your mom jumps to the worst case scenario.


Sigh. Kids will go to any length for an excuse to tell their parents to **** off. There are much easier ways to get your point across than creating a scenario that hurts you, OP. I'm sure your mom would've understood if you hadn't screamed "**** it!" in pain when she walked in.

I know how that feels, right after you slam your finger you can barely get words out. Now that you've calmed down you should tell your mom what happened so she stops giving you the cold shoulder.

We have mouths and voice boxes for a reason you know.

18 - Try slamming the door on your finger then name three cereal brands while in excruciating pain.

I know how you feel OP. I hurt my middle finger playing basketballand had to show it to my coach. Not only was he offended, but he told me that it was merely jammed. I shouldn't have listened to him. I went a week with it fractured, so by the time I went to the doctor it was bent. The doctor gave me the wrong type of splint for the injury, so I had to wear it for 3 monthes instead of 1. Don't make my long list of mistakes. It could be minor, but at least get it checked out

Did the excruciating pain in your finger affect your lips too? You're obviously a big girl, OP; use your words.

Apparently you didn't think this through. Most people have different pain tolerences and reactions. OP couldn't speak because her finger was in pain. You're obviously a thinker, use your brain.

And yet, despite all odds, she was still able to raise up the injured finger without hesitation to her mother? Obviously, she /was/ in a state of being able to blurt out a few short words. Maybe you should think things through a tad further before attempting to belittle users over trivial matters.

And yet, despite all odds, she was still able to raise up the injured finger without hesitation to her mother? Obviously, she /was/ in a state of being able to blurt out a few short words. Maybe you should think things through a tad further before attempting to belittle users over trivial matters.

And yet you managed to repeat a comment that has been posted quite a few times. Good for you!

#99 - How original. Oh, just because my opinion on this matter just happened to be largely shared by others who beat me to it automatically strips me of my ability to comment? Goodness, I‘m sorry - did my alleged ignorance also make you soil your underwear?

LydiaLynn 0

my mom would of slapped me into a coma. without any questions on 'why'.

Don't worry about it, she'll be fine. This is definitely not the end of the world.

I can't tell who is more immature - OP for not saying "I hurt my finger" or the mother for giving her the silent treatment. Seriously mom, what are you, 9? Adults talk out problem with their mouths. Both of you need to grow up.

You can't automatically assume her mother is being childish; maybe the OP hasn't even said a single word to attempt to resolve the situation yet? And being fair to the mother's point of view, if I had someone flip me the finger, much less my own teenage daughter, I don't think I'd even make the first move to engage in a conversation with them.

You're a teenager yourself, so you can't see this from a parent's perspective. As the parent, you're the adult. Always. And giving your teenager the silent treatment is childish at best, destructive at worst.

Actually, yes, I‘ll give you that - I am a teenager myself, I suppose, so I can‘t really interpret the situation as an adult should. On a second view of the situation, the “silent treatment“ isn‘t the best way to go as a parent; on the contrary, OP‘s mother should resort to talking to her daughter.

The only time I got the silent treatment from my mom is when I went way over board. And it really wasn't the silent treatment. She'd say I need a few minutes to calm down before we talk about this. Something like op's situation, she'd probably have realized right away what was going on. Two accident prone daughters put her in tune with various injury reactions.

perdix 29

Good thing the OP is not a dude that got kicked in the nuts.