That's a hard no from me, dawg

By soontobesingle - 19/03/2013 11:30 - United States - Chicago

Today, I found out that my gorgeous, smart, perfect new boyfriend has an unusual fetish. It doesn't involve me at all actually. Just a Labrador. This is probably a deal breaker. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 132
You deserved it 5 003

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mikeskinner 7

Looks like you're... Barking up the wrong tree.

acerima 11

Screw the puns, that is just sick.


Throw your boyfriend a bone. Remember what you're dating him fur.

That's animal abuse; he either needs to stop, or be arrested. Fetishes like that are fine to have as long as the person doesn't act on them. He needs to understand that that's one fantasy that CAN'T become a reality.

lexi365 20

Probably? Just probably a deal breaker?

Probably?!? Girl, you have to have standards! And don't let him harm an innocent dog- report his sick ass to the authorities!

Hey I was just moderating one where the guy said he had just finished self-pleasuring when his dog jumped on the bed and licked it...let's hope this is the other side of that story!

Your situation sounds iretreverable (sic) and has gone to the dogs.