Take that

By anonymous - 26/01/2010 12:55 - United Kingdom

Today, I was at my Muay Thai class. We were doing a combination which consisted of a low kick, body kick and head kick. My partner had already done the low kick so I held the pads for the body kick. He kicked me straight in the jaw. I'm a teenage girl and he's a fully grown man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 269
You deserved it 3 799

Same thing different taste

Top comments

skyeyez9 24

At least the jaw kick just made him look like a jerk to the rest of the class.

You can't 'see' it coming, douche. If you're practicing patterns and you think he's going low and throws high, there's nothing do you can do. It's the exact same movement until the last moment. If you could lift your leg to kick, you would know this. His fault, either way. Props to OP though for taking a Muay Thai class, stuff is good to know. I wouldn't want to take a knee from you.



BE it should say BE not me lol sorry my mistake.

Twi_lover_EC 6

I agree with#47. LOL! I love the roll play!

romerser 0

ha it sucks about the kick.. but girls in martial arts thats very atractive to me.. im a mma fighter.. ;)

(in his best Joker voice) Not sure if serious...

dudeitsdanny 9

Has anyone ever noticed how many douchebags online claim to be MMA fighters, but really they just found a costume on sale after Halloween?

yea that gets me all hott and bothered :D

fnyunj 3

Wow - you are taking one of the most physically demanding and high-impact martial arts there is, and you complain when a STUDENT makes a mistake and you get hurt? Honey - this is a dangerous hobby. (if done properly). When I was 13, I tore a ligament in my ankle, throwing a kick, the wrong way. When I was 16, I was knocked unconscious, sparring. I got in too close, took an elbow to the jaw. When I was 17, I cracked two ribs, again, sparring. (little girl, mean kick). I dished out a few of my own injuries too. Also, when I was 17, my big brother was f*cking with me, and I broke his nose. Accidentally. Though it was the last time he ever f*cked with me. I always held back before. Even when he really pissed me off. (He was about 6" taller than me, and 80 lbs heavier). I'm glad he stopped teasing me and messing with me, but I still feel guilty. He's an asshole, but he's my brother. Martial Arts aren't magic. It's just a sport, and people can still be klutzes, or even lose their temper and make mistakes. Seriously; there are risks in everything you do, but some things, the risks are much greater, and you make those choices.

@80 we're all very impressed with your injuries, but I think being kicked in the face when you're not expecting it makes it okay to complain a bit.

am i the only one tired of people making amazing claims that have nothing to do with the actual FML? also, if you're going to tell her she sucks at MMA, you might not want to mention how many times you got your ass kicked ^.^

Mulada 0

"You. Your fists were mute; they had no soul." How come no one's made a Street Fighter joke?