Take that

By anonymous - 26/01/2010 12:55 - United Kingdom

Today, I was at my Muay Thai class. We were doing a combination which consisted of a low kick, body kick and head kick. My partner had already done the low kick so I held the pads for the body kick. He kicked me straight in the jaw. I'm a teenage girl and he's a fully grown man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 269
You deserved it 3 799

Same thing different taste

Top comments

skyeyez9 24

At least the jaw kick just made him look like a jerk to the rest of the class.

You can't 'see' it coming, douche. If you're practicing patterns and you think he's going low and throws high, there's nothing do you can do. It's the exact same movement until the last moment. If you could lift your leg to kick, you would know this. His fault, either way. Props to OP though for taking a Muay Thai class, stuff is good to know. I wouldn't want to take a knee from you.


loool, that's gotta suck. I used to do Taekwon-Do and I was always extra careful when it was a little girl holding the pads. I'm by no means a small lad and there are many others who could have held the pads. Why the sweet 13 year old girl?

dudeitsdanny 9

I did Tae Kwon Do when i was younger. When i was 6 and just starting, i gotbpaired up with someone old enough to have a 5 o'clock shadow. This happened every time. Until the retard punched me in the chest when he wasnt supposed to, knocked me down, and knocked the air out of me.

I did too, I quit though when I was at my green stripe belt, I forgot why :P

It's not uncommon to get kicked/hit/kneed/elbowed in a Muay Thai class. I've been taking Muay Thai for several years and it happens. It sounds like the OP was paired with someone who doesn't take their partner into consideration. Pad rounds are shouldn't end in such an injury. On the other hand, it sounds like the OP wasn't paying attention, otherwise she could have done something to prevent being kicked in the jaw. Especially since the partner threw a head kick instead of a body kick. The height difference isn't that much with thai pads. Either way, it always sucks to get kicked in the jaw

why were u sparring together in the first place? you deserve it

altaira_fml 0

Sparring is part of martial arts lessons, dumbass.

Spar with him again and get a nut shot when he's expecting the high kick

EveryDayJackAss 0

Well this is what she signed up for, should've expected it. YDI for not predicting how things would turn out.

When I was taking kickboxing, I was paired with a woman who was at least six inches taller than I am, had a kick like a mule, and couldn't aim for beans. She was supposed to kick the pad I was holding, instead, she repeatedly kicked my arm. I was so bruised, my boss thought my husband had beaten me!

Trixies100 0

kick him the twig and berrys and think what if he doesn't wash his feet ewww that's gross

This is not an FML and doesn't deserve an FYL or YDI. Accidents can and will happen in a martial arts class, ESPECIALLY a fighting style as brutal as Muay Thai. But I do have sympathy for you--I used to take classes in Muay Thai on a regular basis, and I know that this sucks. But hey, the more you sweat, the less you bleed, right?

You were in an environment where you could get kicked in the face ... and you got kicked in the face. Is there anything that I might be missing?

bhatz 0

okay I would say fml if you weren't taking martial arts lessons. accidents happen. besides if you are interested in becoming a fighter you should learn to take a hit. if you can't handle playing with the big boys then get out.