Take that

By anonymous - 26/01/2010 12:55 - United Kingdom

Today, I was at my Muay Thai class. We were doing a combination which consisted of a low kick, body kick and head kick. My partner had already done the low kick so I held the pads for the body kick. He kicked me straight in the jaw. I'm a teenage girl and he's a fully grown man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 269
You deserved it 3 799

Same thing different taste

Top comments

skyeyez9 24

At least the jaw kick just made him look like a jerk to the rest of the class.

You can't 'see' it coming, douche. If you're practicing patterns and you think he's going low and throws high, there's nothing do you can do. It's the exact same movement until the last moment. If you could lift your leg to kick, you would know this. His fault, either way. Props to OP though for taking a Muay Thai class, stuff is good to know. I wouldn't want to take a knee from you.


LOL at the first comment. Muay Thai is clearly kick boxing and not dancing.

Ninjasaurus18 9

Why do they have a teenage girl and a full grown guy partnere up, in the first place? Usually, you're partnered up by height, weight and strength.

captainburke 5

Muay Thai is the art of bare-hand man killing!

AndrewCB 4

Not saying you completely deserved it, but it's kinda dumb to think he would go for a body shot and not a head shot. Observe next time.

guyfawke 5

well, OP did say that her partner was older than her. I am assuming that this makes him taller as well, so a body kick for him could be a head kick for her. source: experience fighting people shorter than me.

You have to compensate for size, your jaw must be his chest level. From an other Muay Thai student YDI

Atleast now you know to pay attention

Why is everybody's commeny getting thumbed down? lol. Try to get a new partner. Your partner obviously cant remember combinations.