
By uneek14 - 23/06/2009 14:19 - Canada

Today, while reading some chemistry notes, I came across the term "solid water". Completely stumped, I asked myself, "What the hell is solid water?" Then I heard my little cousin say, "Ice." I'm a 4th year science major in university. He still checks the closet for monsters. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 802
You deserved it 84 664

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's okay, when you study so much you can have stupid lapses like that.

It happens. You don't really realize what some things are at first, even if it should be obvious.


I did do that once only it was little bit different, I was drinking this really bad coffee and I said "This tastes like burnt water" and then I spent the next 20 minutes trying to imagine burt water...then I realized it turns to steam.

It's ok, the smarter you get the more you tend to overthink things.

Carbonkid 0

Don't worry, happens to the best of us! but then again! If you induce a magnetic field to liquid water, it will turn into a solid! even thought it could be room temp!

LOL, when I first read "solid water" I had to think about it for a minute 

Solid water... it's really quite simple

solid water... not that hard man... ydi

testing_fml 0

you deserve it for being a tard.