
By HungryGirl - 24/10/2009 14:45 - United States

Today, I went to McDonald's to get breakfast. I sat my food down at a table and went to get some napkins and a straw. I returned to the table to find that my food was gone, and could hear nothing but "SUCKKAAAA" trailing from the entrance to the restaurant. Some jerk stole my meal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 516
You deserved it 9 791

Same thing different taste

Top comments


capthavoc123 0

So carrying your meal and setting it down on the counter where the napkins and straws are whilst getting them, to avoid just this thing, was out of the question? There's a reason that it's not a good idea to allow anyone but the cook and yourself to have access to your food. And even then, keep an eye on the cook (yes, I have worked in food industry).

Looks like someone got their happy meal. :D

you couldn't be asked to get those things before getting your food? the average wait time at mcdonalds is like 3 minutes. still someone would have to be QUICK to get your food.

It's an FML for the the guy that was scabby enough to acually want to steal Mcdonalds food.

Lots of people, actually. That's kind of why they ask "for here or to go?"

This is unfortunate at best. Are you in any physical pain? Did you lose something irreplaceable? Will this haunt you forever? If you can't answer yes = not an fml!

This sounds like my town! These bums be all like, "What you eating there." And if you say something they want, they try to snap it right out of your hand. To be honest, I think you deserve this a bit. Leaving your food behind in public places, parties, or just in front of anyone besides your family/friends/spouse, is just asking for something like this to occur.

Damn that blows but couldn't have been more than what 3-4 bucks. FYL!

Breakfast at McDonalds? Eww, YDI fat ho.

nentenkupo 16

Where in the post does it say op is fat?

You could have just stopped after "I went to McDonalds to get breakfast." That alone is a serious FML. The guy who stole your "food" did you a favor. Stop eating crap and you'll feel better.