
By HungryGirl - 24/10/2009 14:45 - United States

Today, I went to McDonald's to get breakfast. I sat my food down at a table and went to get some napkins and a straw. I returned to the table to find that my food was gone, and could hear nothing but "SUCKKAAAA" trailing from the entrance to the restaurant. Some jerk stole my meal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 516
You deserved it 9 791

Same thing different taste

Top comments


CONNIE1390 0

its ok. you didn't need the mcds neway. Its bad for u

lmao! suck anywayz- go to burger king

It would make me so sad to see my delicious food disappearing out the door. :[ Yes, despite the copious amounts of grease and the poor quality, it is delicious. Go chase after the guy and steal his car in return. Sucka!

agreed, id understand wendys but mcdonalds is just freakin nasty

happyemokid8181 0

Omg..THE HAMBURGLER! YOU'VE COME AGAIN TO STEAL OUR GREASY GOODNESS! WHYYYYYYY?! Srsly tho you should have called after him and said " WHY HAMBURGLER, WHY?!" I would have just for the hell of it. That sucks tho...I'd smack a bitch if they stole my food...

Bahaha. The Hamburglar. I hadn't thought of him. The Hamburglar strikes again! Damn his sneakiness.

YDI. you should always get straws/napkins etc before you sit down.

flyboy57 0

that is just so wrong! there's so much injustice in the world!!

It's the thief's loss. McDonalds food is crap.