
By HungryGirl - 24/10/2009 14:45 - United States

Today, I went to McDonald's to get breakfast. I sat my food down at a table and went to get some napkins and a straw. I returned to the table to find that my food was gone, and could hear nothing but "SUCKKAAAA" trailing from the entrance to the restaurant. Some jerk stole my meal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 516
You deserved it 9 791

Same thing different taste

Top comments


YDI for eating breakfast at McDo. Make some eggs, bacon, toast, and a good coffee. AT HOME.

Kavka 15

Yes it is. HE HAD HIS ******* *FOOD* STOLEN.

_Naboo_ 0

I'm positive you're going to be able to get more food. This really isn't an FML.

ad_infinitum 0

Eww, hamburgers for breakfast.

You can't have hamburgers at McDonald's for breakfast. They only serve breakfast.

depends which McDonalds and Where.. cos i've had one before (gross) but still had one XD

bre_zip_it_up13 11

all you had to do was slide your tray on the thing if you didnt want to carry it when gtting your napkins and straw

ohh, the THING! i know exactly what you're talking about, why didn't i think of that?

starry_eyed 0

At least you didn't spend much for it. And I agree, YDI for eating at McDonalds haha.

ydi for inhumanely murdering and devouring helpless animals. I hope your colons rot.