Shut up

By anon - 04/05/2009 21:56 - United States

Today, I was sitting in a theater waiting for the movie to start when a hot guy sat next to me. Trying to impress him, I made seemingly witty comments to my friend throughout the movie. When it ended, he loudly complained to his friends about the 'annoying girl' sitting next to him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 764
You deserved it 105 053

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mehwhateverr 0

Nobody wants to hear comments during a movie... especially from someone you don't know. YDI.

well duh. everyone hates it when people talk during movies. your friend probably thought you were annoying too.


NoReallyFMyLife 0

You deserve it for being an idiot and talking through a movie. Also, you're obviously not as witty or as attractive as you thought.

helios_rex 0

That's what you get for being the bitch that talks during a movie, no one likes her!

Pretty much what #121 said. YDI for being dumb enough to think "How do I get this guy to like me? I know, I'll talk during the movie! No one would EVER find that annoying!"

YDI for talking through the movie that other people paid good money to see. Everyone hates asses like you. Next time you want to impress him, show him how well you can keep your mouth shut, and shup the **** up and let him, and everyone else, watch the ******* movie. I feel sorry for your friend.

squeaksx24 0

YDI - It's really annoying when people talk during movies. You should actually be happy that he didn't say anything to you because I would have told you off.

Yea great way to make a first impression, by being annoying that's great. Number 1 has terrible luck with guys and has probably never ****** a guy. If you wanted to impress him show your cleavage. DONE.

coffeennicotine 0

Haha, I agree with #123. No one likes someone who talks through the movies. And why would that impress him anyway? What is it with people trying to impress people by doing really stupid things?

nobody wants someone talking in a movie theatre, it's obnoxious and annoying. there's a much simpler way to impress a guy, and trust me, if you've got the right stuff, it works every time. next time you're in that situation, just lift your shirt up and show him some nipple.

Every time a **** like you sits near me in a theater, I get security. Want some advice? You're not cute, you're not witty and you're not going to get much positive attention if you talk during a movie. Just give it up and meet guys some way that doesn't annoy the hell out of everyone.

xThatRandomGirlx 0

Yeah, that's how you really impress people... by not keeping your mouth shut during the movie when everyone else is trying to pay attention. YDI