Shut up

By anon - 04/05/2009 21:56 - United States

Today, I was sitting in a theater waiting for the movie to start when a hot guy sat next to me. Trying to impress him, I made seemingly witty comments to my friend throughout the movie. When it ended, he loudly complained to his friends about the 'annoying girl' sitting next to him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 764
You deserved it 105 054

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mehwhateverr 0

Nobody wants to hear comments during a movie... especially from someone you don't know. YDI.

well duh. everyone hates it when people talk during movies. your friend probably thought you were annoying too.


Loe_307 0

What would have "impressed" him is if you had shown him you REAL oral skills.

birds_fml 7

What made you think he'd be impressed by you yapping through the movie? YDI

maemaemaemae 0

dumb move....if i were sitting next to you and you were making "witty comments..." i think i would have slapped you..who would be impressed by that..

Um yeah... talking during a movie=annoying. Deal with it. I'm pretty sure that all the FMLs when people do stupid or embarrassing things to impress someone of the opposite sex are YDIs. This is no exception.

You probably would have impressed him more had you shut your mouth and been polite enough to let him enjoy a movie he paid money to see. I'm pretty grateful to everyone in the theater when there are no disturbances and everyone's quiet. Like #10 said, if you had waited till the end, maybe you could have introduced yourself in the hall after the movie and made small talk, not by thinking you're so important that he would bother listening to what you're saying to your friend in the middle of a movie. You ****** up your own life. Deal with it, YDI. Also, #9 is hilarious.

Panicattackx5 0

#1, Girls and boys are both stupid. Maybe she should have kept her mouth shut and talked to him after the movie, instead of being annoying and commenting the whole time.

jasey_rae 0

honestly, you are the most annoying person of all time. and i guarantee that you arent as cute and witty as you think you are. dumb *****.

abbyxroad 0

YDI. I think talking during a movie is totally going to get me a date too. idiot