
By Anonymous - 20/11/2015 20:13 - United States - Las Vegas

Today, while driving home, I saw a cop with a speed gun "hidden" by the side of the road. I went to slow down so the fuck-knob wouldn't be able to ticket me. I then had a brain-fart and floored the gas instead of hitting the brakes. Hello speeding ticket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 044
You deserved it 29 690

Same thing different taste

Top comments

leogachi 15

I'm going to assume that you were already speeding and that's why you needed to slow down. Therefore you deserve the ticket and shouldn't be calling an officer names for doing his job.

Why is it necessary to call the officer names when you were the one in the wrong and he or she was just doing their job?


Here's an idea: don't be a dick. People die in car accidents every single day because of people who don't think the rules apply to them.

Don't call cops **** knobs. They are doing a job just like you are. There's is just a different style. They don't call you guys **** knobs at the office

Pretty sure flooring either pedal would have gotten you a ticket.

Said police officer has every right to "hide" if he so chooses. You're not supposed to be speeding, so if you'd followed the law in the first place it wouldn't have mattered if you knew he was there or not. In either case, you dun goofed and you deserve it.

pretty sure you're the "****-knob" in this situation...

YDI for so many reasons! Speeding in the first place, calling the cop a "**** knob" and not knowing where the brake pedal is!

I don't think I've ever seen an FML more deserving of a YDI! Disrespectful to police, speeding, and dumb enough to hit the gas instead of the brake.

all these people acting like they never speed.

I never speed. In fact, thanks in part to pretentious twatnuggets like OP, I don't even drive.

ironik69 31

You do realize most cars have cruise control? It's a sure fire way to know that you are always going the speed limit #87.

Today I accidentally clicked "I agree, your life sucks." FML