Self-confidence booster

By uglyyyyy - 28/10/2009 20:19 - United States

Today, I was working my job at Sephora when I overheard two women talking. One of them asked her friend, "Is being pretty a requirement to work here?" Her friend turned to see me, turned back to her friend and said, "I guess not." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 005
You deserved it 3 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well.. It isn't... girls at Sephora look normal and accessible, girls at MAC look incredible and intimidating.

Yea, maybe if your stuck up and your head if full of air, that would be much better. **** those bitches


i work at sephora too. people can be awful, trust me i know, but just because you have one bad time in the store doesnt mean people are the devil, we all have our off days. and if people think you are ugly then they are obviously just as self conscious as everyone else. people can be stupid.

jillisbored99 0

Awe! People can be really mean... but sadly it's quite funny!

meyanna 0

Oh, bfd. Get the hell over it and do your damn job. You think every customer is a saint?

lancheney 0

I used to work at Sephora, and it was all about appearances. Those women were douches. Most old women are. And they ALL flock to Sephora.

seriously! they act like makeup will somehow make THEM look any better

There is no excuse for an ugly women, but an excuse for a lazy women. If you put in more effort to look your best in public you wouldn't be posting FML's. There is also the possibility that the women that said that was a Miss America wannabe.

Really? REALLY? Most women put a shitton of effort into their looks, but some catty bitch will always call them ugly to make herself feel better. Not to be sexist, but men don't put half the effort into their looks. So why is there no excuse for an ugly woman? We can't get born ugly and not go to drastic, possibly surgical measures to fix it? You are a piece of shit.

If anything, I kinda wish girls would care less about their appearance, because at least with a lot of girls I know, they fail to see beauty in simple things and spend too much time on extravagant and costly appearances. It's not that they don't look great, but it becomes too much of a priority and gets in the way of everything else. I wish it were funny when my g/f spends an hour on her hair alone, but it ******* isn't. There won't even be someplace important she has to go, and while it "matters" that I think she looks incredible, if she doesn't feel like it as well she might as well look like shit. What I do find funny is that she has five different enormous bottles of shampoo/conditioner, depending on how shiny she wants her hair. My lone bottle which is half the size of the rest looks intimidated sitting by them.

Oh, so you've seen the OP? You know what she looks like? You know that she is ugly, or that she is lazy in her morning ablutions? Yeah, I didn't think so. Shut the **** up. Your claim has no weight simply because you have no idea what the OP looks like. Perhaps she is absolutely gorgeous, & those women were just being decidedly catty to help substantiate their own self-esteem. Since you have no way of actually knowing, then you should keep your damn mouth closed, because you're making yourself out to be a damn fool.

I have friends who work for MAC. they are fun.

YDI for not having cosmetic surgery to make yourself look better.

This is 100% fake, I just moderated two FML's that were the exact same but with a different company name. People are stupid haha :)

If you /just/ moderated them, then they would be the fakes.

LOL stereotypical blonde...hah, don't give a flying mayonnaise-covered shit about them. They're just trying to make themselves feel better. And people like that are usually dumbasses who failed 3rd grade 5 times which is the reason they do that. Just move on, unless you want to research their full names to vehemently murder them in the future, or even better, torture them until they experience a death caused by extreme fear or pain. would be delecious, wouldn't it?

rosesdarkblue 0