Rush job

By ananomoose - 15/04/2009 23:30 - United States

Today, I was struggling through an exam and the hot girl next to me seemed to be flying through the questions. So I cheated off her. When we finished I asked her to lunch. She said "No, I just rushed through the exam so I can go fuck my boyfriend." I got shutdown and probably failed an exam. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 695
You deserved it 93 988

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jdb2009 0

You deserved that one. You should just study for the exam, get a passing grade, and meet someone better down the road. How do you know she won't turn into a crack ***** given her attitude about taking an exam??

cbrown89 0

well you probably would have failed either way :P


am I the only one who notices that people who finish their test first aren't always the smartest. if you notice the smart kids are the ones who double check their work. they are the ones you want to cheat off. especially since if you didn't see their paper the first time you can look at it the second time around when they are checking their work. the point you moron. if you're going to cheat, at least don't be a bigger asshole about it. YDI

Juno_fml 0

I wouldn't necissarily write off everyone who finishes their tests fast - I myself usually finished before the rest of my class and I certainly made decent enough grades. YDI, though definitely. Cheating sucks! Or at least next time you do it, go for someone wearing a pocket protector 8D Cause trust me 'Hot' does not always equal 'Smart'

You should have ******* studied for it, then.

y the **** did u cheat u soooo deserved it

Wow i didnt know we had such ethical ppl on FML.... Go ahead cheat all you want, just do it effectively and not off some hot chic.

Like none of you have ever cheated in your life? Never talked about a test after you took it, never told a friend what to focus on after you took a test? Riiiighhtttt. I'm gonna give a nice FYL to the OP, just because he got shot down, not necessarily because he might have failed. Who knows, maybe the chick got some right.

Who cheats off someone basedon how they look???

Yeah, #38, I've cheated before. Doesn't mean I wouldn't have deserved it if I'd gotten caught. Doesn't mean OP doesn't totally deserve whatever's coming to him for cheating. Hey OP, you realise that getting caught cheating--and yes, they check--can get you suspended or expelled, right? Especially if you're in college, which you probably are if this actually did happen today? Just saying... is it really worth even a potential chance with a hot chick? FYL indeed, but you absolutely deserve it. Especially for assuming that because someone's rushing through an exam means they know all the answers.

Wow-- you really made her day. You cheated off of her, then made her so uncomfortable she had to blurt out her sex life to get you to go away. You stud, you.