Rush job

By ananomoose - 15/04/2009 23:30 - United States

Today, I was struggling through an exam and the hot girl next to me seemed to be flying through the questions. So I cheated off her. When we finished I asked her to lunch. She said "No, I just rushed through the exam so I can go fuck my boyfriend." I got shutdown and probably failed an exam. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 695
You deserved it 93 990

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jdb2009 0

You deserved that one. You should just study for the exam, get a passing grade, and meet someone better down the road. How do you know she won't turn into a crack ***** given her attitude about taking an exam??

cbrown89 0

well you probably would have failed either way :P


why is she in school? sounds like she's just wasting her time and money if she'll just blow off a test to have sex. also... this is why you shouldn't cheat.

simplewhimsy 0

I'd be more worried about getting caught for cheating at this point...

ziqi92 0

karma sucks but u deserved it. dont copy off girls that only care about sex, hot guys, and their body. of course, i only blame u if u knew her well. there r hella smart girls at my school who r pretty hot, for example.

well, it sucks and I'll say fyl but ydi as well. plus, would you want to go out with a **** like that anyway?

ydi for cheating on a test you ******* idiot

oliviax3 0

omg stfu ppl its not like you wouldn`t have done the same thing

Fuckyou88 0

You are the epitome of **** stick.

omg stfu people it's not like you wouldn't have don't the same thing