Running gag

By TheJoker - 12/05/2009 05:25 - United States

Today, I was jogging in my neighborhood when I saw a kid's ball roll over to where I was jogging. I stopped, grabbed the ball for the kid and went to hand it to him. He then yelled, "Stranger danger!" and his parents came sprinting out. I had to explain the story to the police for 30 minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 806
You deserved it 3 200

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, he's safe at least. What a brat. I blame the parents for giving him fear without intelligence.

immafiremylaser 0

That's what you get for being a considerate person.


The reason the parents called the police is because they were raised on the same authority dependent mentality. If there's ever potential trouble: 1) PANIC! 2) Alert higher authority to help you deal with your current crisis.

#42, Get out of my head! As said before, no good deed goes unpunished.

People have gotten to the point of ridiculous with their precious little snowflakes. I'm surprised they didn't have the kid in full body arm so as to protect him from scrapes and bruises.

There should actually be a law where if you're detained for this kind of bullshit, you get paid per hour for your wasted time if it was determined there was no wrongdoing. Also, I'm pretty confident the reason kids today are so much more ****** up and neurotic than they've ever been in history is because their parents are so bloody overprotective. What a nightmare of a world we live in.

You should've raped that kid for wasting your time. Srsly, what a duncecap.

doll_face 0

damn kids today and their rap music!

either the kid is retarded or u just hav the scariest face in the world

Lmao.. I miss the days when a stranger was just a person you haven't met, now it's all STRANGER DANGER! STRANGER DANGER!

at that point you had 2 options steal the ball and keep running kick it into oncoming traffic