Running gag

By TheJoker - 12/05/2009 05:25 - United States

Today, I was jogging in my neighborhood when I saw a kid's ball roll over to where I was jogging. I stopped, grabbed the ball for the kid and went to hand it to him. He then yelled, "Stranger danger!" and his parents came sprinting out. I had to explain the story to the police for 30 minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 806
You deserved it 3 200

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, he's safe at least. What a brat. I blame the parents for giving him fear without intelligence.

immafiremylaser 0

That's what you get for being a considerate person.


i feel bad for that child if he is going to grow up thinking all acts done by strangers are bad he is gonna be ****** for life

#132: ... seriously? Yeah, white people sure are victimised by authority figures and the law. Darn those minorities getting away with everything.

parents are panicky little bitches these days.

Psychotic parents -_- Just don't lose your faith in humanity - not everyone's a paranoid freak. I always ask if older people or people with some kind of a physical handicap (physically challenged people, pregnant women, etc) need help - most people either thank me or tell me they don't need help, but you do run into the occasional person who looks at your freakishly and starts walking away faster.

FYL...I'm so grateful my parents didn't raise me to be like that.

noName123456 0

ya its not the kids fault its the parents both for teaching the kid to be like that and for calling the cops

FYL, absolutely. The parents must've been totally insane and overprotective to call the cops over it. Their kid's going to grow up to be messed up and pass on the same BS, and you had to deal with it for trying to be nice.

sugar_bear 0

People still say "Stranger Danger"?!

Hey, paranoia's a great attribute to instill onto your children...