
By youaresodumb - 27/09/2010 04:19 - United States

Today, I was having sex with my girlfriend. I finished too quickly and apologized. She said she was used to it by now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 432
You deserved it 34 338

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shockskilletz 0

ah you mean the boyfriend you dont have

FYLDeep 25

You can always wear a strap-on to compensate for your lack of manliness.


tdub10 2

Thts why you hv 4play first n during.

Maybe go down on her/use a vibe on her to make her cum BEFORE you have sex, then if she goes again when you're having sex it's just a bonus? That's always worked for me...

this is what you do! next time cum on her face!!

Yeah, cos that will totally make her enjoy it more...

Anything is better than what she gets now.

12251984 0

You deserve it for not being married first!

perdix 29

If she is still with you, then you have no problem. Of course, you have to keep convincing her that the Female ****** is a myth and it doesn't exist. In Alabama, ignorance is the national pastime, so that shouldn't be too hard. If she ever finds out about the big O, she may trade you in for a guy who can last long enough to deliver.

lol sex is only roughly 2-6 minutes top lol unless the white stuff doesn't come out. hahahah what r u trying to be a **** star :)

foreplay foreplay foreplay.... memorize that word it can become your savior and your girlfriends best friend!