Roid rage incoming

By screwed - 22/12/2010 17:56 - Canada

Today, I accidentally walked in on my roommate while she was changing clothes. She insisted on telling her boyfriend what had happened, because, "It wouldn't feel right" if she didn't. Her boyfriend is a MMA fighter/bodybuilder and has major jealousy issues. I'm screwed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 350
You deserved it 4 282

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you can't outrun him, tell him your gay.

alaaloo_fml_fml 0

Your roommate sounds like she is just looking for an excuse to start some drama.... or to see you physically hurt.



Get a roommate who doesn't have a bodybuildiing boyfriend.

itsbryn 0

or show him LBP and he'll turn out to be big softie. sackboy ftw

Ninjafriends 1

If he's that terribly insecure, stroke his ego and you should be out of trouble. Do not stroke his penis, as others might subsequently suggest. Otherwise, start looking for a new apartment that's wheelchair accessible.

If his jealousy issues were all that bad, she wouldn't be your roommate.

perdix 29

Before you get pummeled to death, you ought to give her some anal so you can deny having sexual intercourse with her. You're going to die anyways, so why not go out with a bang?

bfflrhea 0

that sucks!!! hahhaha good luckk!:P

hard to believe that anyone with jealousy issues would be dating a girl who lives with another guy, on the other hand, I live with 2 girls, kinda hard not to walk in on them cus they think its a good idea to change anywhere they want

TheDrifter 23

Haha one of my female roommates is like that, except that she prefers to wander around naked for a couple hours before getting re-dressed. I'm a big fan of it, but it does tend to cause issues with girlfriends.

It depends. Maybe she leaves her bedroom door open.

thats gonna be big trouble for you when he comes around.

That is a possibility. I'm pretty low on drama but TBH, I would've told my husband tge first time this happened to me. I tell him everything and I would want to know if it happened to him. But neither of us are very jealous by nature and we would probably joke about it. If nothing happened, there's nothing to worry about. However, unless she had her door closed and OP barged in, she may be a drama-seeker.

uber jealous people crack me up..."walk softly and carry a big stick"

Your roommate is an attention ***** and deliberately looking for ways to create drama.