Roid rage incoming

By screwed - 22/12/2010 17:56 - Canada

Today, I accidentally walked in on my roommate while she was changing clothes. She insisted on telling her boyfriend what had happened, because, "It wouldn't feel right" if she didn't. Her boyfriend is a MMA fighter/bodybuilder and has major jealousy issues. I'm screwed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 351
You deserved it 4 282

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you can't outrun him, tell him your gay.

alaaloo_fml_fml 0

Your roommate sounds like she is just looking for an excuse to start some drama.... or to see you physically hurt.


Heres what you need to do... First but possibly not necessary. Get evidence that the walk in was an accident. This is just in case she presses charges on you. Next if the boyfriend really wants to kick your ass let him do it, but don't hit back. If the retard wants to make a big deal out of nothing by kicking your ass then he should realize that in the real world you can't settle things with a brawl. So after he's kicked your ass or knocked you out. You press charges on him and sue him. Chances are the guy will not beat you up that bad but he will still assault you. So the balls in your court for this one

you have a girl roomate? how does that work? WTF?

pyrodude185 0

u r ****** my friend nice knowin ya

xcdog16 0

well ima mma fighter from south GA and if he is a body builder then he won't be as flexible in his joints so stomp that mofos knee and break and then slap the sh** outa him and show him whose boss

and after that **** her while he is watching

taylorlynn1125 1

if he was so jealous why would he let her have a male roommate..?

FMLinCA 12

is this ass beating going to be on youtube or something? would love to see it. lol. sucks to be you. are you sure you "accidentally" walked in on her?

salsalover_12 5

When I was 19 I lived with a friend of mine who was male, in an apartment. I was changing clothes one day, and had the door shut, he came and knocked, and I without thinking said, "Yeah? What's up?" as I always do as permission to enter. So in he walked as I was changing, him thinking that I was decent. Shit happens when ya live together. Embarrassing moments are a given. Now had OP been "peeping" or barging in when he KNEW she was changing... Then I could see that she needed to tell the BF. But innocent accidents... Sounds more like it's time for a roommate change. If it was innocent. If he touches ya. Press charges. Plain and simple. If it wasn't innocent. Sorry for your luck.