Road rage

By Xtine - 23/06/2009 04:44 - United States

Today, while on the road, I saw a turtle in the middle of the other lane. I slammed on my brakes and got out, holding up, and pissing off, several drivers on both sides of the highway. Getting closer to the turtle, I realized that it was not a turtle at all, but a very large pile of dog shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 615
You deserved it 46 315

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wtf? When did a dog have time to take a large crap on a highway???


I was so sad when I saw a turtle in the middle of a highway bcuz I knew it was gonna get killed.... but we were going sixty sk we couldn't stop

awww that shows how much u cares for animals!!! that's so sweet :)

"la-lalala-laa... hey wtf is that guy doing on the road, walking over to that pile of dogshit?? HEY BUDDY, GET YR ASS OFF THE ROAD FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!"

I love my country. Here its forbidden to endanger other drivers for the sake of small animals. And for all you animal lovers, yea puppies are adorable and cuddly but their not human or anything that speaks. Or posseses any kind of suffisticated emotional behaviour so yeah i value the safety of a human being over a small animal

You idiot animals do have à emitionally possesed mind !!! And they may not be human but they are living souls I think this as much as i hate some animals

Next time dont care about the turtle that much And next time also just go more up close

It's a good thing you stopped anyway in case it really had been a turtle. My mother drove over one once and it made me cry.

JJAY2011 6

That was soooooooo funny!!! lol!

Well did you pick it up anyways ? You should have after pissing everyone off like that