Revenge is sweet

By Anonymous - 12/10/2013 22:03 - Iceland - Akranes

Today, my mom was acting really pissy, and I couldn't help but mutter that she must be on her period. Five hours later, I'm glued to the toilet with my phone, because she went all out for revenge and spiked my dinner with some hellishly potent kind of laxative. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 257
You deserved it 27 798

Same thing different taste

Top comments

T9FTW 20

Welp, now you're both leaking.

You would think people would know better by now: don't ever accuse a woman being on her period; EVER.


tehdarkness 21

You're a douche for saying that, but her response is too extreme; laxatives are not good for you health unless you need them!

ahippienamedrae 10

If there's one thing you should never say to your mother, it's that.

Well I don't think you deserved that, but the last thing you ever do is accuse a woman of is pms.

A lot of pms happening in these comments.

You messed with a woman on her period can't say you didn't see it coming

While I think spiking your food with a laxative was a little extreme, that will teach you to keep those kind of comments to yourself.

I think you should fix your own plate for now on...

Nobody gets it? No matter what a woman's stage in her menstrual cycle (and already, we're wrong for accusing her of having her period instead of having PMS), she has a right to have her thoughts and feelings considered valid. Incidents like this imply that there is never a good reason for a woman to feel angry, or less than perfect at all, unless they are hormonally compromised (and also that their thoughts and feelings are not worth consideration). Not cool... Not cool at all... (cue ignorance and accusations of menstruating or PMS-img)