
By Having a pretty sister sucks. - 19/08/2013 01:36 - United States - College Station

Today, my sister had an emotional breakdown because two guys love her and she can't pick just one. Meanwhile I'm single and spend my time laying treats on my floor in a pattern and watching my rabbit run in circles. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 427
You deserved it 4 306

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Relationships are overrated anyway. Your pastime sounds much more fun!

Don't worry, OP, you'll find the right one for you soon enough!


bignardz101 14

Well no wonder u don't meet men u watch ur rabbit run around after food placed in shapes... ??? Who is going to join u to do that

Yeah...I think your friend wrote about you in a later fml

OP here. Just an update, my sister is now marrying one of the guys and my rabbit died :/ I guess it doesn't really get better :(

I never thought of doing that with my rabbit.

Is there a video of your rabbit running in circles? Because that sounds like more fun then being in your sisters position OP but don't worry you'll find someone someday, don't give up hope!