
By Anonymous - 26/08/2023 04:00

Today, my boyfriend said he sees no need to buy new baby equipment such as a crib, a playpen, etc., for our first child, when we can just use the stuff his other kids used a couple years ago. He has no idea why I'm upset about this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 204
You deserved it 1 414

Same thing different taste

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Is the stuff still in good condition and currently not being used? For something a kid doesn't use for very long, outside of a carseat which should never be bought secondhand, doesn't it make sense to use the old stuff?

Call me insensitive, fine, but do you think that by using his other kid's old baby stuff, he must obviously be harbouring some old feelings? It can't be that he's being fiscally responsible and doesn't see the point in wasting perfectly fine furniture and other things, right? I understand that maybe you wanted to create memories of browsing websites and stores for baby stuff, I really do, but given that bringing up a child is incredibly expensive and time consuming, is it not wise to perhaps reuse. It would save money in the long run. If I'm wrong, then I apologize.


We have twins. Like 80% of what we have we got second hand from friends who had a baby in the last year or two. Some of the rest we bought used. Babies grow through stuff so fast you do NOT need new stuff, except car seats which have an expiry date, and should never be bought used because if they were in an accident they may be unsafe. Maybe a few cute outfits and new additions and pass it on when you are done with it.