
By Anonymous - 12/10/2011 05:14 - United States

Today, I was on a drive with my uncle. We saw a dead deer on the side of the road and expressed our pity for it. Then a squirrel runs across the road and my uncle swerves toward the squirrel, laughing hysterically and yelling, "Run rodent run." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 603
You deserved it 4 229

Same thing different taste

Top comments

whippymcdumb4zs 0

He was just trying to catch dinner.


texas_redneck88 10

I would of done the same thing, I like your uncle

This reminds me of another FML entry: "Today I walked outside of my house to find my father in nothing but his underwear, spraying ants with ant-killer, laughing like maniac and screaming, 'Die bitches! Die!'"

Atleast ur uncle dosent take a air rifle out of no were and shoots it like mine did to bird from moving car

Well If everyone is gonna be that way then here I go, if you wanna get down to it no one has any worth what so ever, in a metaphysical since we are only imperfect beings that can never be perfect, and humans are not so much dominant as they are parasitic to the planet, so deer=squirrel=human from a biology stand point...

Funny! Your uncle is a redneck! Embrace it! Hahahahahaha!

That ain't classy lol. K maybe is a little lol