
By Anonymous - 12/10/2011 05:14 - United States

Today, I was on a drive with my uncle. We saw a dead deer on the side of the road and expressed our pity for it. Then a squirrel runs across the road and my uncle swerves toward the squirrel, laughing hysterically and yelling, "Run rodent run." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 603
You deserved it 4 229

Same thing different taste

Top comments

whippymcdumb4zs 0

He was just trying to catch dinner.


Are you related to the person who posted about thier day shooting squirels in the garden in his underwear

Lol an animal is only permitted to live of a human agrees so I'm pretty sure you eat meat

666xSYXXXx666 0

Hmm... Does your uncle happen to be in a Rob Zombie film in which he says, "run rabbit, run"?

Haha my uncle does the same thing, but with kangaroos and cats instead.

There's plenty of squirrels, one gone doesn't matter

AAAAAWWWWWWWWW come on, I don't know anyone that DOESN'T do that. Everyone aims for squirrels. It's like culling the herd, there are so many of those furry rats, it's does not hurt to flatten a few and pop their nuts

It's quite terrible that your uncle would do that, but your life isn't ****** because of it.

All the people saying that it doesn't matter because there are plenty of squirrels would do well to remember that our own species is pushing 7 billion and projected to hit 10 billion by 2100...

Check ur math bud, its 9 billion now and is projected 13 billion by 2013