Pros and cons

By blahblah - 14/12/2010 02:01 - Canada

Today, I'm in a relationship with a guy who yells at me everyday for things I didn't do, is in a dead-end job and is not attractive whatsoever, but I can't bring myself to break up with him because he would get to keep the dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 486
You deserved it 53 427

Same thing different taste

Top comments

White_Fury 0

YDI. take the dog to a safe location where he will never find it, like where your self respect is. THEN break up with him :)

Waffcakes 0

dang, get over it. break up with him and tell him you get the dog. Go do what they did on legally blonde (:


DrAwesomeness 0

wow that does suck. Chances are he would only want to keep the dog because he would be mad at you for the break up. I bet he would just get rid of the dog after a while. If he respected you any he would give you the dog for being such a jerk. Otherwise people steal thing from each other all the time

Funny, he staying with you because if you leave, you take the pussy.

CapitanDelOoma 0

talk to him. tell him how you feel. maybe hew will not be such a douche and work something out. if all else fails just leave and take the dog with you. then you can have a friend shake him up good if he tries anything.

trippincccs 0

your stupid then if you didn't find him attractive why would u date him it doesn't make sense ps just take the dog if it belongs to you no big deal I'm sure

Why did you start dating him in the first place?

What did you go out with him just for his dog? He yells at you, works a job you don't approve of and you do not find him attractive. If someone thought this way about me I would hope they'd break up with me. Stop wasting his and your time. And get your own dog!

No pet is worth that kind of abuse. When it comes right down to it you have to put your well being first.

Your only in the relationship for today? What's the big deal?

bobkim302 0

Look you know what he's about dump him and get another dog. Or are you one of those dumb women that just stick around for worst things to happen?

potsmoker1 0

and this fml is the prime reason that 95% of marriges end in divorce yes know there not married but the point is to many people rush into relationships before there really ready for it and before they know what the other person is really like and vice versa wise up people seriously