Praise the Lord

By Zippermania9 - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out that if you fall asleep in church, people will think you're having a spiritual moment, and you'll wake up to ten people praying for you. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 230
You deserved it 13 859

Top comments

I can say from experience that this is a true story. Until they realize you were sleeping the whole time, and then give you angry looks every Sunday afterwards.


this is epic! I know what you're saying lol

rockyraccoon28 8

hahahahahhahaha. that's awesome.

animalfreak4ever 0

that would SO happen in my church, if it was boring enough to fall asleep in. To much loud music and worshiping and loud preachin' to fall asleep ^.-

If you normally go to church and just fell asleep this time, YDI. >:) If you are homeless and just needed to rest, FYL. :(

EvilDave 13

You deserve it for believing in self-contradictory fairy tales.

lifesokay255 0

religious people are idiots. I voted that "I agree, your life sucks." but that's under the assumption that you were dragged there. If you wanted to be there, then you're a moron too.

LMAO no wayyyy....seriously? that's hilarious