Praise the Lord

By Zippermania9 - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out that if you fall asleep in church, people will think you're having a spiritual moment, and you'll wake up to ten people praying for you. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 230
You deserved it 13 859

Top comments

I can say from experience that this is a true story. Until they realize you were sleeping the whole time, and then give you angry looks every Sunday afterwards.


i lol @ church and wonder what people will say after i say: im an athiest o argue now

I love this FML! It's ******* hilarious and so are the comments. I literally LMFAO

this is a fail of understanding A) the word literally or B) what lmfao stands for

PatRme 9

ydi for thinking life has a purpose (sarcasm.)

themanhw 0

so what kinda vision did u have during ur religious sleep?

"We are praying a hedge of protection around you." :)

Why does someone get negative comments for being Christian? Some people actually go to church and enjoy it. That doesn't make them stupid. It doesn't even make them a Bible-thumping, judgmental, over-conservative fundamentalist. Not all Christians go around screaming, "You're going to hell!" at every kid who doesn't tuck his shirt in and wear khaki pants. Honestly, REAL Christians look down on those people too. I'm really getting sick of people making ridiculous, uneducated generalizations about Christians and our beliefs based on some YouTube idiots spouting condemnation at everyone else. I'm sick of people stereotyping all Christians as being totally judgmental. Don't you realize how hypocritical that is? Oh, and to #156, NO ONE CARES THAT YOU'RE AN ATHEIST. Real Christians love you as a person whether or not you agree with them. The people who say, "I'm going to laugh when you go to Hell" aren't real Christians.

good on you. I'm a vehement atheist but I stand by 'I'll respect your opinion as long as your opinion respects my existence." :)

amen to that 162! being christain has alot to do with acceptance and love no matter what all for the promise of life

kenziehead 0

I'm from Oregon and I go to church 4 times a week and I've never even been close to falling asleep.

sk8trzero53 0

OMG SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO efin Hilarious!!!!!!!