Praise the Lord

By Zippermania9 - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out that if you fall asleep in church, people will think you're having a spiritual moment, and you'll wake up to ten people praying for you. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 230
You deserved it 13 859

Top comments

I can say from experience that this is a true story. Until they realize you were sleeping the whole time, and then give you angry looks every Sunday afterwards.


FFML_314 11

You should have stood up and started screaming at the top of your lungs.

christianh 1

lmao that would be funny as hell xD

cmad1 0

church is so boring!!!! u mostly just sit there

Ugh. I fell asleep all the time in church as a child. If I had to wake up to ten people praying around me I just might've been scarred for life.

RockstarChickxD 1

Church is not boring! You fools just don't get it. Ugh! the world I live in today 

ShorTiE4LyFe 0

22- I don't have any religious views. I don't go to church, Does that make me a satanist? No.

Raleigh_bruh 7

#36 - I'm pretty sure she made that comment because the person's name she was posting to is 'Satanic'.

eggjuggler 0

36: Who said it did? 22 was replying to a user named "Satanic." Don't be so quick to get offended.

eggjuggler 0

Sorry Raleigh, didn't mean to be repetetive! =(

Im Not Saying It Was Aliens But, It Was Alenibs

ShorTiE4LyFe 0

Haha I can imagine that happening. :)

sounds like one of those weird church cult type places...creepy.