By unappreciated husband - 28/03/2014 21:43 - United States - Pullman

Today, my wife got her period. Every single time, she ends up asking me to go buy her some Midol after a few days of trying to tough it out, so I decided to buy her some ahead of time. She reacted by yelling at me for treating her like a child and implying that she couldn't go buy it herself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 004
You deserved it 5 090

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HJKM_fml 19

Next time just buy it and don't show it to her. Then, when she asks for it, just give it to her.

I feel like some girls use periods to justify just being bitchy


She owes you an apology. Hopefully she'll realize that once her hormones aren't making her a crazy person anymore.

No woman should act like that on or off her period. I have a serve hormone imbalance and I'm bipolar, but the worst that happens to me on my period is I cry a lot more easily. Even with super bad cramps and migraines. I have snapped at my boyfriend once or twice, but that was only after he kept intentionally doing something that I politely asked him to stop. If she's gonna act like that, I'd tell her to get her own shit from now on. Who goes through a whole bottle of Midol in a week anyways? You should probably try to convince her to see a gynecologist if her cramps are really THAT bad.

She uses a whole bottle every cycle? Are you buying like, 10 capsules at a time or something? Any and all painkillers in my house are in a bottle that holds 60 or more. Tylenol, ibuprofen, naproxen, all in the big bottles, because if I need them, I need them badly. (Granted I have the knees of someone three times my age...) But, yeah. Why are you having to buy new every month instead of just having a supply on hand after the first request?

cryssycakesx3 22

well that's at your house... they do make smaller bottles. perhaps money is tight and they can only afford a small bottle every month.

A small bottle every month will cost you more than a bulk bottle. And I've never seen ones small enough to make sense for one weeks supply up for individual sale. That's what's confusing me.

That's nice. You should just keep a bunch at your place then she won't have to ask for you to go buy some every time.

EndOfSekrets 13

Try having a never-ending period and then tell me you wouldn't hate the world.

I gotta agree--buy some ahead of time (along with other stuff she seems to need on her period), and when she asks for it, give it to her.

Take it back and tell her to get it her own ******* self.

Menstrual jokes are NOT funny. PERIOD.