Pleased to meet you

By footinmouth - 13/09/2009 05:14 - United States

Today, I went to a restaurant with some friends. I noticed a very cute waitress about my age, so I walked over to her and asked if she had a boyfriend. The extremely fit, attractive waiter standing next to her immediately turned, held out his hand and goes, "Yeah. Meet me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 991
You deserved it 14 064

Same thing different taste

Top comments

now, I found that entertaining because she's probably not dating the waiter, and he just saved her from being harassed by some random customer.

Mildly embarrassing, but it's not like anything bad, really came of it. If it did, you'd have told us.


bigfatunderwear 0

@88 read it again , it says ". . . held out HIS hand . . ."

XxSonyaBladexX 0

it could have been worse!! You could have gotten hurt.

Why on earth would you immediately ask a girl that as a pick up line? I'd be a little creeped out myself...XD

At least he was nice and polite. He could have gotten defensive and threatened to kick your ass.

swag_unicorn 4

"well ur a lucky man" 1. guy feels better 2. girl complimented. problem solved.

He seemed pretty chill about seems like you got away without injury...

He probably wasn't her boyfriend, also that's a dumb pick up line. She's working she doesn't want to be bothered by a stranger asking for a date.

I feel sorry for the waitresses and waiters being bothered by people like you.