Pile up

By shark - 27/11/2012 03:03 - United States - Houston

Today, I was separating my notes into two piles: one to save for exam studying and one to throw out. I finished separating, picked up the junk pile, and absentmindedly shredded it. Afterwards, I looked down to see the junk pile still completely intact. Goodbye, passing grades. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 660
You deserved it 31 876

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WingsFan80 4

That will teach you to look first

Because of my constant OCD attacks and hope of passing, I always make sure to double check when I shred my paper.. I hope you can get them from someone else. Good luck on those exam.


weasel123 9

Finals week will do that to ya... Best of luck.

bettykooler 7

Man I am so sorry.. That really hits home for me because that's absolutely something I would do too. It really sucks because it sounds like you were trying to be organized and efficient! From personal experience and for the future, I highly recommend never permanently getting rid of ANY notes and work until after the class has ended. Good luck!..

Always double check everything! So many FMLS because people don't check.

pretty sure this fml been posted before but on cell so can't search easily...

Emmi3xo 4

Why would you waste your time shredding the papers? Recycle.

Why would you shred your notes? If you wrote it down, and it was part of the curriculum, and you spent money on that class, it's still knowledge! Just because its not in the exam. This post just seems bizarre to me. And just ask your friends for some notes. Or if you don't have any friends make up an excuse and ask your teacher for help. This is not an FML, you are a dumbass.

titibug823 11

Happens all the time. Just call a friend and ask to make copies of theirs

Judging from the fact that you paid little enough attention that you managed to shred the wrong set of notes, it doesn't sound like you'd have passed that class anyway. Good luck when you take it again.

Fusion55 7

You couldn't wait just another couple weeks when you're done with class to shred them...?