Pile up

By shark - 27/11/2012 03:03 - United States - Houston

Today, I was separating my notes into two piles: one to save for exam studying and one to throw out. I finished separating, picked up the junk pile, and absentmindedly shredded it. Afterwards, I looked down to see the junk pile still completely intact. Goodbye, passing grades. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 660
You deserved it 31 876

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WingsFan80 4

That will teach you to look first

Because of my constant OCD attacks and hope of passing, I always make sure to double check when I shred my paper.. I hope you can get them from someone else. Good luck on those exam.


thelindseyyy 4

Think of matching all of the pieces back together as a study exercise.

MiloBear 11

I don't get rid of ANY notes until I've finished the exam and received my results so I know I've passed. I also separate the important stuff out but keep the other notes in case I forgot something or I need to check on something I don't understand.

Always better to be safe than sorry. I keep my notes so that I can pass them down to my sister or any juniors who may be studying the same subjects. Shredding it seems like a waste to me.

Keep 'em even longer, like until you're actually finished with your schooling. I know a number of people who took some college courses, then much later went back to a different school and were able to get additional transfer credits because they were able to prove what they studied in their earlier classes, and others who've been glad to have high school or undergrad notes to review when they hit the same topics in later classes.

That seems slightly odd that you'd shred your notes when you're done with them. Something in them you don't want anyone to see? I'm sure a hobo wouldn't dig into the trash specifically to read your class notes!

beebeeL 1

really truly sorry for your loss.

CammyMC 5

Dude that seriously sucks....

You should have studied harder. Maybe then something would have twigged in your mind while you were watching the papers shredding and you wouldn't be in this predicament.

Why waste your time putting them through the shredder? Just throw the away. One step done. Now study!

Why SHRED them? Surely they aren't sensitive information.

Because, it feels good to shred the massive, boring crap that you had to put up with until now.

nnnope 26

Would it have really been so hard to at least mark which pile was which (like putting one face-up & the other face-down, or something)??

BlackBlazeCobra 16

That's why I keep mine until after the semester ends.