Pick me up

By Ugh - 15/11/2009 17:55 - United States

Today, I was really depressed so I talked on the phone with my best friend. She was telling me how a guy she really liked complimented her. I told her it was be nice to get at least one compliment. After a long silence she says, "You're really good with computers." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 430
You deserved it 5 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Joeboy777 0

Jeez. You people are jerks. Saying you deserve it and shit.

Silentknight 0

Today, I hinted like mad for my friend to compliment me. she complimented me. FML. que?

If you need people to feel better with yourself, you are f*cked.

I thought that this meant that the OP had said that it would be nice to get one compliment not meaning she wanted one herself, and the fact the friend couldn't come up with one was upsetting.

tromboneplayer13 0

well your frend gave you a comliment && thats an FML have a lil kidcall yo preggo and your not://

"I told her it was be nice to get at least one compliment. " Are you ******* retarded?

While you put her on the spot with your complaint, she's kind of a lame "best" friend if that's the best compliment she could come up with.

__no_one__ 0

That's in the eye of the beholder, actually. In a group of people that value being technically well-versed it would in fact be a good compliment. In a group of sorority chicks that only talk about make-up, fashion and guys all day and think everyone good with computers is a friendless dork - not so much.

YDI for being a moron and your life ended with a compliment. Seriously what the **** is wrong with your logic?

perdix 29

I love it when people go fishing for compliments and reel in an old boot covered in seaweed. I'll bet you plugged your friend's printer in and correctly connected the USB cable, and from this stroke of genius you were deemed to be "good with computers." On the other hand, she could have said, "Well,. . . you're dick is not THAT small."

perdix 29

I apologize. I screwed up. That last line was an edit, and I was under the pressure of the two-minute window. Thanks for pointing out my error. I stand corrected.

I understand completely. Two minutes is never enough time to edit a comment! Especially when the site is slow to load.